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Company Policies

Below are PDF versions of our company policies, if you wish to view our Privacy Policy then please click below.

Other Policies

Should these policies be downloaded, the latest versions cannot be guaranteed. Always come to our website for the latest version.

Terms & Conditions

You can find our Terms & Conditions in the PDF document.

Impartiality Statement

RIQC understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its management system certification activities and ensures that these are conducted in an objective and unbiased manner. All RIQC employees and associates sign a Confidential & Impartiality Statement. A copy of that statement can be found on the PDF document.

Complaints & Appeals

RIQC has a policy of making the process for complaints and appeals available to the public. If you have reason to make a complaint, or to register an appeal against a certification decision, then please Contact RIQC Limited. For more information please see the PDF document.

Certification Process

Details of the audit and certification processes are contained within a written procedure and this is available upon request. Information regarding certifications granted, suspended or withdrawn is also freely available and the validity of any RIQC certificate issued may be checked at the RIQC office if required. For more information please see the PDF document.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

RIQC Limited believes that corporate social responsibility is integral to our business and we are firmly dedicated to making a positive contribution to our communities, being a good employer and minimising our environmental impacts.

Our Workplace

RIQC Limited is committed to providing good workplace standards, excellent health and safety requirements and fair pay and conditions.  We aim to employ a workforce that reflects the diversity of our customers.  Our employment policies, including a commitment to equal opportunity, are designed to attract and retain high-calibre individuals, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, disability, nationality or sexual orientation.  It is our policy to provide staff with training and career development so they can grow and develop within the company.  Where practicable, we offer flexible working to enable individuals to balance the needs and demands of both their home and their work lives.


RIQC Limited believes effective employee communication and consultation is particularly important in achieving our business objectives.  We value employees’ opinions and seek to actively involve them in the decision making process.

RIQC Limited expects every member of staff to take individual responsibility for their performance and to work together to achieve our goals.

Our Environment

RIQC Limited aims to sustain and improve our natural environment for the benefit of all.  We are committed to continual improvement in our environmental performance by improving the efficiency with which we use resources and aim to comply with all relevant environmental regulation and legislation.  We operate effective environmental management practices to ensure environmental issues are integrated into our business processes.


RIQC Limited actively encourages all employees to participate in activities that aim to minimise the company’s environmental impact.  Environmental awareness training is provided to new members of staff and we communicate with our stakeholders, including shareholders, employees and customers on matters of environmental policy and practices.  We also encourage suppliers to adopt the highest environmental standards.

Our Communities

RIQC Limited is an active member of the communities in which we operate and aims at all times to be a good neighbour.  As well as making a positive contribution to local communities by bringing jobs for local people, we sponsor local causes where possible, particularly those associated with children, the elderly and people with disabilities.  We encourage staff to become involved in fundraising and charitable activities and we will actively support them in these areas.

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